[rt-users] RT 3.8.9 -> 4.0.0 upgrade
Ross Lawrie
ross at riverstyx.net
Fri Apr 29 16:36:15 EDT 2011
I'm having some problems getting my installation upgraded to 4.0.0.
The 'configure' and 'make upgrade' both seem to run fine, no issues.
I've set it to build in a new folder from 3.8.9 - the previous version
is in /usr/share/rt3, and the new one is to be in /usr/share/rt4.
The database upgrade appears to go well apart from some noise about RTFM
which I think is okay?:
Enter RT version you're upgrading from: 3.8.9
Going to apply following upgrades:
* 3.9.1
* 3.9.2
* 3.9.3
* 3.9.5
* 3.9.6
* 3.9.7
* 3.9.8
* 4.0.0rc2
* 4.0.0rc4
* 4.0.0rc7
Enter RT version if you want to stop upgrade at some point,
or leave it blank if you want apply above upgrades:
Proceed [y/N]:y
Processing 3.9.1
Now inserting data.
Processing 3.9.2
Now inserting data.
Processing 3.9.3
Now populating database schema.
Processing 3.9.5
Now populating database schema.
Processing 3.9.6
Now populating database schema.
Processing 3.9.7
Now populating database schema.
Now inserting data.
Processing 3.9.8
Now populating database schema.
Now inserting data.
[Fri Apr 29 20:17:48 2011] [error]: You appear to be upgrading from RTFM
2.0 - We don't support upgrading this old of an RTFM yet
[Fri Apr 29 20:17:48 2011] [error]: We found RTFM tables in your
database. Checking for content. (./etc/upgrade/3.9.8/content:15)
Processing 4.0.0rc2
Now populating database schema.
Processing 4.0.0rc4
Now populating database schema.
Processing 4.0.0rc7
Now inserting data.
I've adjusted my Apache configuration to use the new folder, and the
FastCgiServer /usr/share/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi -processes 5
-idle-timeout 300
<VirtualHost xxxxx.xxxx.xxx>
ExpiresActive On
Header unset ETag
FileETag None
<FilesMatch "\.(ico|pdf|flv|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css|swf)$">
Header unset Last-Modified
Header set Cache-Control "public, no-transform"
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
<FilesMatch "\.(js|css)$">
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
ServerName xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx
DocumentRoot /usr/share/rt4/share/html/
<Location /NoAuth/images >
SetHandler default-handler
ScriptAlias / /usr/share/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi/
<Location />
AddHandler fastcgi-script fcgi
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .* - [F]
I've copied (and where necessary adjusted) the RT_SiteConfig.pm from the
3.8.9 installation to the 4.0.0 installation. I'm uncertain from the
documentation as to whether /usr/share/rt4/sbin/rt-server needs to be
started or not? I've tried both with it started and without.
When I start Apache and try to visit the site, the page just sits and
tries to load, but nothing ever does load. Within the logs I don't see
anything - no entries in either the customlog or the errorlog.
I'm hoping that someone has some suggestions, I haven't had a problem
with any previous upgrades, however obviously this represents a larger
change than most.
The configure options I'm running are:
./configure \
--prefix=/usr/share/rt4 \
--with-web-handler=fastcgi \
--enable-gd \
--enable-gpg \
--enable-graphviz \
--with-db-type=mysql \
--with-db-host=localhost \
--with-db-port=3306 \
--with-db-database=rt4 \
--with-db-rt-user=rt4 \
--with-db-rt-pass=28c4e3hRs \
--with-web-user=www-data \
--with-web-group=www-data \
--with-rt-group=rt4 \
This is being installed on a Debian 5.0 server, all the perl modules
have been upgraded or installed in order to pass the 'make testdeps'.
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