[rt-users] Upgrade to 4.01 MySQL questoin

Paul O'Rorke paul at paulororke.net
Mon Aug 8 18:05:53 EDT 2011

My apologies for a silly post but I'm getting confused...

I am migrating from 3.8.4 to 4.01.  I have a new server with 4.01 installed
and mostly set up how I want.  I have pulled my database dumps into the new
instance, performed the steps in UPGRADING.mysql and run the script
*/opt/rt4/sbin/rt-setup-database --prompt-for-dba-password --action upgrade*

I've missed something and I'm sure I saw it when reading the docs but now
can't figure out what I missed.  After tweaking my set up I've tried
restoring from last nights 3.8.4 instance mysqldump and I have to manually
set the passwords in MySQL to log in as the RT user.  For example:*
UPDATE Users SET Password=md5('password') WHERE Name='user';*

This lets the user log in - but only once, after a logout the user cannot
again log in.  I believe there was a change in the hash used for passwords
and that there is a script I need to run to fix this but I cannot for the
life of me find this again.

Am I on the right track and what can I tell you to help figure out what I

Please and thanks.

Paul O'Rorke
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