[rt-users] Looking for an example of how to send a different autoreply text based on the email address receiving the ticket

Gilbert Rebeiro gilbert at dido.ca
Tue Aug 16 13:59:46 EDT 2011


We have 2 email addresses (1 for english speaking clients and 1 for 
french speaking clients) that receive ticket requests.

I was wondering if anyone can help with an example of a scrip that would 
send a different autoreply (english reply if sent to support at domain.com) 
(french reply with sent to supporttechnique at domain.com) when a new 
ticket is created in the general queue depending on the email address 
that the ticket was sent to.

So if I understand how it works, the template would contain some perl 
code that examines the email address to and auto-replies using one text 
else it replies with another text.

Thanks in advance,


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