[rt-users] 3.4.2 to 4.x

Jeff Blaine jblaine at kickflop.net
Wed Dec 28 09:30:14 EST 2011

The RT 3.4 to RT 4.0.4 upgrade went fine.

Now with our data in MySQL 5.1.x, instead of the old
MySQL 4.1, and our new instance not in production yet,
we want to migrate to PostgreSQL 8.4.9, largely in
order to get performant full-text searching without
doing something hackish with MySQL and Sphinx nonsense.

That task, however, is turning out to be a nightmare.
The gory details are at the link below, but the short
story is that PostgreSQL does not like some of the
bytes (mostly when trying to INSERT into Attachments).

Cleaning the dump file of all non-ASCII characters,
then trying the data load again, bought me nothing (!!??).


If anyone has any advice, please share!

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