[rt-users] scripts for daily notifications for unassigned and unresolved tickets

Thomas Sibley trs at bestpractical.com
Mon Jan 31 11:47:24 EST 2011

On 31 Jan 2011 11:39, Joseph Spenner wrote:
> Kenneth:
>   Thanks for the tip.  I've been playing with it a bit, but I never get
> the notification.  My dashboard looks like this:
> http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/4595/dashboardo.png
> From the setup above, I suspect I should get a daily list of "new and
> open" tickets at 18:00 GMT.  (technically it's "new OR open", but the
> search does return both new and open tickets)
> If I go to manage my Dashboard, and click on the Name: ticket reminder,
> I do get the list of "new and open" tickets.
> Is there maybe some global permission preventing me from performing this?

Do you have sbin/rt-email-dashboards setup in your crontab?


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