[rt-users] Address field behavior with RT 4.0.1 upgrade

Max Hetrick maxhetrick at verizon.net
Tue Jul 12 16:10:17 EDT 2011

On 7/12/2011 3:20 PM, Max Hetrick wrote:

> Ok, so I found where this is a new feature with the 4.0.1 release. I see
> where to adjust what fields and how you want the fields to behave.
> But, I see no place or how to make this go back to the old way of a
> "text" field.

Sorry to keep responding to myself.

I realize what's going on here now is that the Requester, Cc, and Admin 
Cc fields are using Autocomplete on both privileged and unprivileged users.

When a user in the past has created a ticket, they get an unprivileged 
user account created automatically.

Is there a way to limit the Autocomplete to only search for privileged 
users in the system?


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