[rt-users] JS minify broken (was: RE: RT4 slowness)

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Mon Jun 13 08:47:32 EDT 2011

On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 03:04:54PM -0500, Adam Thompson wrote:
> Kevin, I'm also experiencing the same problem as reported here.  (And yes, 
> I just filed a new, duplicate bug about that, [rt3 #17673].)
> I can provide direct access (including root access) to the pre-production 
> VM I'm working with, if that would help?
> Just for kicks, I tried substituting "/bin/cat" for 
> "/usr/local/bin/jsmin", but after turning on a lot of debugging I just get 
> an error:
> Log::Dispatch::__ANON__('Log::Dispatch=HASH(0x2aef1bb0fe40)', 'failed to 
> jsmin: /bin/cat: standard output: Bad file descriptor^J ') called at 
> /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Squish/JS.pm line 99
> With the same debug options on, I do _not_ get the same error when 
> invoking jsmin.  I _do_ get the UI breakage, however :-).
> CentOS 5.6, CPAN packages from RPMForge where possible, CPAN otherwise 
> (only as required).
> Rt-4.0.0 from tarball.
> Jsmin as downloaded from Crockford's site today (compiled with stock gcc 
> on CentOS 5.6, no options).
> I added another warning line to JS.pm to tell me if jsmin was being called 
> on each and every request, and it indeed is being called on every single 
> request.
> Furthermore, if I examine the minified JS using Chrome's developer tools, 
> it's an empty file 
> (http://**.****.***/NoAuth/js/squished-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.js 
> = 0 bytes).

There are patches for this on 4.0.1-releng, please retest when
4.0.1rc2 is released.

> There is no such cached object on disk under /opt/rt4/var/, which I 
> suspect would be the problem.  My Apache (and consequently mod_perl) 
> process does have write permission to /opt/rt4/var/mason_data to 
> .../session_data.

The JS is cached in memory, not as a mason object file.

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