[rt-users] Approve to resolve

Yan Seiner yan at seiner.com
Fri Mar 11 08:36:10 EST 2011

The default for Approvals in 3.8.9 is to approve to open, deny to reject.

I set up a new status, review, and I'd like to make approvals work 

approve to resolve
deny to open

Is this possible?  If so, any hints on where to look?

My car is Japanese. My Vodka is Russian. My pizza is Italian. My kebab is Turkish. My democracy is Greek. My wine is French. My coffee is Brazilian. My language is English. My movies are American. My music is African. My beers are German. My shirt is Indian. My oil is Saudi Arabian. My electronics are Taiwanese. My rifle is Czech. My shoes are Chinese.  My math is Arabic, my writing Latin. And you complain that your neighbor is Mexican?

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