[rt-users] The RT Wiki - Restructure (start using categories?)

Bart bart at pleh.info
Tue Nov 29 05:54:52 EST 2011


I've created an account on Wikia in order to do some editing on the RT wiki:

   - http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/HomePage

There are a few things that I want to add, but I'm kinda confused by the
structure O_o

I've noticed that only a handfull of articles contain a categorie, these
categories are viewable on this page:

   - http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Categories

These categories are a nice way of structuring content, people only have to
add a page with the proper categorie and it will be displayed on the
categorie page.
In addition you have the ability to add specific information/explanation to
each categorie page as shown on this page:

   - http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/Category:3.8.9

The thing I'm missing on the main page is a link to all categories, this
would make browsing the wiki allot easier.
In addition what I'm missing is a structure of the categories + allot of
pages aren't categorized.

I feel that the structure could be better, and with a better structure it
would make adding articles allot easier + they will become visible by
simply viewing a categorie specific page where everything is alphabetized
(no need for creating a link to article X on certain pages).

If I were to think-up a structure and start to re-organize the categories
(edit pages to point to the new structure), would this upset someone (I
hope not ^_^)?
I'd first want to roughly draw the categorie structure and verify it with
the mailing-lists before starting to edit anything. (basically think before

Let me know your thoughts, I feel that I have some time to work on the wiki
so hopefully with some input from others it will be possible to freshen up
the wiki.

-- Bart
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