[rt-users] Interfacing RT to Drupal

John BORIS jboris at adphila.org
Fri Apr 20 11:51:35 EDT 2012

I am moving my old PHP-Nuke intranet site to Drupal 6.x. One of the
items in my old Nuke site was a form that would allow users to make
requests and then based on what they selected it would email the request
to the correct queue on my RT installation. I want to have that same
functionality in the Drupal site. Has anyone done this? Do I have to
roll my own Drupal Module? I could just use the form and serve it up
from a different web server but I would like to keep everything on the
same system. 

I have been searching the Drupal modules but keep coming up with a Case
Tracker which is not what I want. 


John J. Boris Sr.
JEN-A-SyS Administrator Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Chairman Professional IT Community Conference (PICC'12)

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