[rt-users] Incoming mail subject with first word starting with "re" gets chopped in 3.8.8

Andy D'Arcy Jewell andy.jewell at sysmicro.co.uk
Mon Aug 13 09:24:25 EDT 2012

Hi all,

We are seeing a problem where the ticket  subject gets mangled when it 
starts with "re", for example "remote" gets mangled to "mote". I know 
3.8.8 is pretty old, and I'm planning to upgrade, but I can't do it 

I assume this is happening due to some regex intended to strip off "Re: 
" prefixes from the subject, but I can't find it anywhere in the code....

So, I have a few questions:

1. Is there a config parameter I can change to avoid this?
2. Does the 4.x branch have this same problem?
3. If none of the above, does anyone know what code I need to look at? 
(I've tried the RT::Interface::Email::Gateway module, but I can't see it 
filtering the "re" out anywhere).


Andy D'Arcy Jewell

SysMicro Limited
Linux Support
E:  andy.jewell at sysmicro.co.uk
W:  www.sysmicro.co.uk

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