[rt-users] Unassigning tickets does not work

JC Boggio rt-users at thefreecat.org
Tue Feb 7 11:35:59 EST 2012


Le 07/02/2012 16:22, Thomas Sibley a écrit :
> SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name='Nobody';

rt3=> SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name='Nobody';
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
id                    | 6
name                  | Nobody
password              | *NO-PASSWORD*
comments              | Do not delete or modify this user. It is integral to RT's internal data structures
signature             |
emailaddress          |
freeformcontactinfo   |
organization          |
realname              | Nobody in particular
nickname              |
lang                  |
emailencoding         |
webencoding           |
externalcontactinfoid |
contactinfosystem     |
externalauthid        |
authsystem            |
gecos                 |
homephone             |
workphone             |
mobilephone           |
pagerphone            |
address1              |
address2              |
city                  |
state                 |
zip                   |
country               |
timezone              |
pgpkey                |
creator               | 1
created               | 2009-04-06 09:31:34
lastupdatedby         | 1
lastupdated           | 2009-04-06 09:31:34
authtoken             |

> SELECT u.Name, a.id, a.RightName, a.ObjectType,
>         a.ObjectId, a.Creator, a.Created
>      ACL a
>      join CachedGroupMembers cgm on a.PrincipalId = cgm.GroupId
>      join Principals p on p.id = cgm.MemberId
>      join Users u on u.id = p.id
>      a.PrincipalType = 'Group' and u.Name = 'Nobody';

   name  |  id  |      rightname       | objecttype | objectid | creator | created
  Nobody |    2 | OwnTicket            | RT::System |        1 |       0 |
  Nobody |    9 | AdminGroup           | RT::Group  |       24 |       0 |
  Nobody |    8 | AdminGroupMembership | RT::Group  |       24 |       0 |
  Nobody |    6 | CreateGroupDashboard | RT::Group  |       24 |       0 |
  Nobody |   13 | DeleteGroupDashboard | RT::Group  |       24 |       0 |
  Nobody |   11 | EditSavedSearches    | RT::Group  |       24 |       0 |
  Nobody |   12 | ModifyGroupDashboard | RT::Group  |       24 |       0 |
  Nobody |   10 | ModifyOwnMembership  | RT::Group  |       24 |       0 |
  Nobody |   14 | SeeGroup             | RT::Group  |       24 |       0 |
  Nobody | 1336 | SeeGroup             | RT::Group  |     3358 |       0 |
  Nobody | 1339 | SeeGroup             | RT::Group  |     3975 |       0 |
  Nobody | 1351 | SeeGroup             | RT::Group  |     4372 |       0 |
  Nobody | 2904 | SeeGroup             | RT::Group  |    66841 |       0 |
  Nobody |   15 | SeeGroupDashboard    | RT::Group  |       24 |       0 |
  Nobody |    5 | ShowSavedSearches    | RT::Group  |       24 |       0 |

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