[rt-users] Show Quoted Text

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Fri Jan 20 14:37:52 EST 2012

On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 11:22:23AM -0800, Scott Benson wrote:
> Is there a way to expand ALL hidden quoted text?  We just upgraded
> to RT4 and it is hiding a bunch of text on the screen based on how

RT 4.0.3 and later have a Show all quoted text link


> the line begins.  If the line begins with a | or has a > in it it
> marks it as quoted text.  This is fine, except for the fact that I
> past mysql output into thickets.   Here is an example of what it
> looks like hidden and expanded
> Show quoted text
> +--------+----------+
> Show quoted text
> +--------+----------+
> Show quoted text
> +--------+----------+
> 2 rows in set (1.45 sec)
> Hide quoted text
> mysql> select status, count(*) from table where field = "123" group
> by status;
> +--------+----------+
> Hide quoted text
> | status | count(*) |
> +--------+----------+
> Hide quoted text
> | Status1 | 34732 |
> | Status2 | 45748 |
> +--------+----------+
> 2 rows in set (1.45 sec)
> It is nice to be able to have long responses from mysql hidden so I
> can expand it later, but if I am trying to search for something on
> the screen(using ctrl+f) without expanding all Hidden Text the
> search comes back with nothing.  I'm not sure if I'm missing it, or
> it is a setting somewhere I don't have access to with my user.  But
> is it possible to either turn off the hide quoted text, or expand
> all quoted text when by clicking on one link?  Thanks in advance.
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