[rt-users] Oddity within the RT database

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Tue Mar 20 20:35:08 EDT 2012

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 04:54:30PM +0000, Tim Cutts wrote:
> It looks as though at some point, probably a long time ago during an upgrade, that I accidentally ran part of the upgrade database task twice, and as a result some of the standard portlet searches are duplicated:
> select id, Name from Attributes where ObjectType = 'RT::System' order by Name
> returns:
> id,Name
> 1470,BrandedSubjectTag
> 494,HomepageSettings
> 497,HomepageSettings
> 18200,QueueCacheNeedsUpdate
> 498,"Search - Bookmarked Tickets"
> 499,"Search - My Requested Tickets"
> 492,"Search - My Tickets"
> 495,"Search - My Tickets"
> 493,"Search - Unowned Tickets"
> 496,"Search - Unowned Tickets"
> Obviously in the RT-at-a-glance page, and in dashboard content pages, these searches appear twice, which is a bit messy, if harmless.
> If I wanted to clean this up, obviously I could remove one of the duplicated entries in each case, but then I presumably need to also sanitise where they are referenced from.  Are the references going to be embedded in blobs in other Attributes?  I can see some of them are referenced in the Name of some other Attributes (for example Pref-RT::Attribute-492 and likewise 493 and 496) which presumably could be fairly easily fixed with a simple update.  But I imagine these things are referenced within saved home page settings and dashboards somewhere, which could be messy to fix.

You can edit the global RT At a Glance to remove the dupes before
shredding or deleting them, but keep in mind that individual users may
have their own clone of HomepageSettings with their user-specific
homepage and that's where you would run into problems with references
to the deleted attribute.

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