[rt-users] SLA and ticket parking

Robert Wysocki robert.wysocki at contium.pl
Tue May 22 01:09:37 EDT 2012


I'm working on a solution for "parking" tickets with SLA.
Right now I have a custom status AwaitingClientResponse, which is 
(I hope) self-explanatory.

The idea is that Owner sets this status and when Requestors answers,
Scrip sets the status back to previous one (or to open, that really
doesn't matter) and sets the Due date like that:
Due date = Due date + (date now - last status change date)

It all works well, status is being changed, due date is being calculated
and set correctly, and right after that the original SLA Scrip - Set due
date if needed - kicks in and changes due date back to its original

Of course the first thing I tried was to move my Scrip to the end of
Scrip list (both by # number and by name), but still SLA Scrip has the
last word about the due date.

Should I hack the original Scrip?

Best regards,
Robert Wysocki
administrator systemów linuksowych
CONTIUM S.A., http://www.contium.pl

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