[rt-users] Searching and comparing two date field values instead of value with supplied valid

Landon landonstewart at gmail.com
Sat Aug 10 19:34:33 EDT 2013


Is there any way to search for tickets while comparing two field values?

This doesn't work:
Queue = 'Incident Reports' AND Created < CF.{SpecialDate} AND Status = 'new'

It doesn't like the string "CF.{SpecialDate}" because it's not enclosed in
quotations and therefor not a string.  Which is what I want to do but
cannot I guess.  The error displayed on the RT UI is:

Wrong query, expecting a VALUE in 'Queue = 'Incident Reports' AND Created <
>CF.{SpecialDate}<--here AND Status = 'new''

With normal MySQL queries one can compare two table columns so I'm
wondering if there's a way to do this with the SQL syntax that RT uses.

Landon Stewart <LandonStewart at Gmail.com>
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