[rt-users] automatically linking tickets together

Piet Honkoop piet at softcontrol.nl
Fri Nov 15 07:40:29 EST 2013

Thanks for the pointers Tom.

If I understand you correct, the mail route would be:

* pipe mail through preprocessor (procmail presumably)
* if that recipe gives back a ticket number (fetched based on the 
incoming subject by the REST interface), I add it to the subject
* pass on the message to RT as usual

The last one should link to the found ticket number in RT, if I find 
nothing, a new ticket will be created.

@Tony: once this works I'll post it here, you can do fairly the same by 
scanning the body (assuming you have procmail available as a mail 
processor of course)

What happens if there are more than 1 ticket IDs in a subject line though?



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