[rt-users] RTIR Outbound Mail Error

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Tue Apr 15 11:31:03 EDT 2014

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 08:19:49PM -0700, Alex wrote:
> I've managed to successfully configure my RT-IR system and SendMail system
> for local use only (they are on the same machine). I am facing a problem in
> which if I create a ticket within the RT-IR system, it will send a mail to
> all the involved parties however, if I try to create a ticket via email, it
> doesn't get registered as a ticket in the RT-IR system. I have already
> installed the CommandByMail plugin and made all necessary configurations to
> the RT_SiteConfig.pm and /etc/aliases files. I have no problem receiving
> mail from the RT-IR system. My mail.log file shows no errors either. It says
> the mail has been sent. However the RT-IR system isn't receiving it. Your
> help and guidance is much appreciated. Sorry about this. I'm new to the
> system. Please and thanks!!

Your subject says outbound email, but your mail talks about creating a
ticket via email, which implies inbound email.

CommandByMail is *not* required to create tickets by email.

Please clarify what your problem is and tell the list how you've
configured RT and rt-mailgate to receive email.

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