[rt-users] filter error in RT-Authen-ExternalAuth

Pete Ashdown pashdown at xmission.com
Mon Dec 8 17:55:55 EST 2014

My error was thinking attr_match_list and attr_map were not dependent on
each other.  The following change works:

        'attr_match_list'  => [
            # Import the following properties of the user from LDAP
            'attr_map' => {
                'Name'         => 'uid',
                'RealName'     => 'cn',

On 12/05/2014 02:44 PM, Pete Ashdown wrote:
> I'm using an LDAP filter, that otherwise works, in
> RT-Authen-ExternalAuth that is giving me an perl error that I'm having
> trouble getting rid of.  Here is my configuration (names changed to
> protect the innocent):
>     Set($ExternalSettings, {
>     'My_LDAP'       =>  {
>         'type'             =>  'ldap',
>         'server'           =>  'ldap.myorg.org',
>         'user' => 'cn=authentication,ou=widgets,o=myorg',
>         'pass' => 'SUPERSEKRET',
>         'tls' => 1,
>         'base' => 'ou=accounts,o=myorg',
>         'filter' => '(objectClass=FooBarBoo)',
>         'd_filter' => '(objectClass=Deactivated)',
>         'net_ldap_args' => [ version => 3 ],
>         # Users are allowed to log in via email address or account
>         # name
>         'attr_match_list'  => [
>         'uid',
>                 ],
>                 # Import the following properties of the user from LDAP upon
>                 # login
>         'attr_map' => {
>                     'RealName'     => 'cn',
>         },
>     },
>     } );
> And here's the error:
> [28018] [Thu Dec  4 22:34:57 2014] [error]: Can't locate object method
> "as_string" via package "(objectClass=FooBarBaz)" (perhaps you forgot to
> load "(objectClass=FooBarBoo)"?) at
> /usr/local/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm
> line 469.
> I've tried quoting, escaping, and staring blankly at the code for hours
> on end, but filter just doesn't digest.  Can any tell me what I'm missing?

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