[rt-users] Resolve without Stealing

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Wed Jan 15 11:05:53 EST 2014

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 06:33:58PM +0000, Tom Leslein wrote:
>    I am trying to find a way to allow my Tier 1 team to resolve tickets without stealing tickets.
>    At this point if someone works on a ticket for two days, or 1 hour, and completes the ticket,
>    the client usually replies back with a thank you or "Yup, everything is good to go."
>    I do not want another Tier 1 person to have to Steal the ticket to resolve it.
>    One caveat about this request is that I know there is a permission out there, "Edit Ticket",
>    but that gives them a lot more features which I do not want them to have.  Specifically, being
>    able to reply to any ticket even if they are not the owner.

Define a Resolve Ticket right using Lifecycles and protect the
transitions with it.  You can then grant just Resolve Ticket to users,
not Modify Ticket.  Also make a quick action in the Actions dropdown
using lifecycles so your users can do it quickly.


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