[rt-users] how to reduce the limit of attachment

Marco Agostini comunelevico at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 03:36:41 EDT 2014

2014-07-30 9:04 GMT+02:00 Marco Agostini <comunelevico at gmail.com>:
>> RT will still allow you to _upload_ files larger than 1M, but will
>> silently drop them when the correspondence is recorded.  There is a
>> branch in the final stages of review that will add an entry into the
>> ticket transaction history when an attachment is dropped or truncated.
> But I can still upload file (directly from the web interface) that is
> bigger than 1M without any message on history.
> what am I doing wrong ?
I begin to understand.

I checked the RT log and I find this message:
"RT::Attachment=HASH(0xd8318f0): Dropped an attachment of size 4910491"

This is correct, but in the web interface, the attachment is displayed
and it is not clear that the attachment is not accessible until you
select it.

When I select the attachment you receive the message "Large attachment dropped".

It is possible, when the attachment is dropped, hide the attachment
and report it only in history ?

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