[rt-users] Solved: Trying to use a CSV file as a custom field values source: "Can't use string (...) as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use."

oscoffrobvetaxem oscoffrobvetaxem at tin-fan.com
Sat Sep 27 18:33:02 EDT 2014

Wow, turns out I just needed a good nap...

Lots wrong with my first try, not sure how I thought that was going to work!

Anyways, for everybody else looking to figure this out, the functioning code
 > package RT::CustomFieldValues::LaborItems;
 > use strict;
 > use warnings;
 > use base qw(RT::CustomFieldValues::External);                       
 > use Text::CSV;
 > sub SourceDescription {
 >     return 'Labor items from the POS.';
 > }
 > sub ExternalValues {
 >         my @csvdata = [];  # Create an empty array for CSV data.
 >         my $file =
 >         my $csv = Text::CSV -> new({ sep_char => ',' });
 >         open ( my $cvsfh, '<', $file ) or die "Could not open $file: $!";
 >         while( my $row = $csv -> getline( $cvsfh ) ) {
 >                 push @csvdata, $row;
 >                 }
 >                 shift @csvdata;                                                                
# Removes the first line, just has column names.
 >         my @customvalues;
 >         for my $csvline ( @csvdata ){
 >                         my $itemname = $csvline->[5];
 >                         my $price = $csvline->[7];
 >                         my $cvname = join "", $itemname, " - ", $price;                       
# Stick the price on the end of the name.
 >             my $cvhash->{ 'name' } = $cvname ;
 >             push( @customvalues, $cvhash );
 >             }
 >         return \@customvalues;
 > }
 > #dump &ExternalValues;
 > RT::Base->_ImportOverlays();                            
 > 1;

RT is now successfully populating the custom field values!

View this message in context: http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/Trying-to-use-a-CSV-file-as-a-custom-field-values-source-Can-t-use-string-as-an-ARRAY-ref-while-stri-tp58645p58646.html
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