[rt-users] slowness in RT when creating a ticket

Alex Vandiver alexmv at bestpractical.com
Tue Apr 28 12:03:26 EDT 2015

On Tue, 28 Apr 2015 16:43:03 +0100 ABD EL MALEK BOUBARNOUS
<abdelmalekboubarnous at student.emi.ac.ma> wrote:
> in my configuration $MailCommand is set to 'sendmailpipe', on the other
> hand  CommentAddress, CorrespondAddress and OwnerEmail are all set to my
> personal gmail adress, can this be the source of the slowness ?

Your source of slowness is that your MTA is being slow to accept the
mail. Usually this is because of DNS failure, or that your service
provider does not allow outgoing connections on port 25.  Check your

If you're merely trying to use RT for local testing, use 'testfile'.
 - Alex

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