[rt-users] Missing dependencies?

Alex Hall ahall at autodist.com
Wed Aug 24 10:08:14 EDT 2016

Hello all,
I've run
sudo make fixdeps
a couple times. The first time I did every test it offered, and the second
time I skipped the external tests. This is after I had to configure CPAN,
wich I may well have done wrong. Each time I run the fixdeps script, it
fails with error 274. I see that a few items are missing, but I have no
clue how to find/install them, and fixdeps isn't doing it. Are there any
pointers on this? As I mentioned previously, I'm not familiar with Perl or
how to configure/administer it, so the simpler the better. I'd tell you
which are missing, but I don't know where to find a list of those items.

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department
ahall at autodist.com
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