[rt-users] REST to Create Ticket and Users from Customer List

Marcelo Calado | TBS TAX Services mcalado at tbstaxservices.com
Mon Jan 25 15:43:08 EST 2016

I can populate my Users from my customer list through the REST Interface.

I have some custom fields like IDNumber and others...

I've tried like that:

CF.{IDNumber} = 999888
CF- IDNumber  = 999888
CF-'IDNumber' = 999888

The user was created! But were not filled. I have the same problem to create
ticket by REST.

Thanks for All.
Marcelo Calado.

$content = @'
id: ticket/new
Requestor: TestOfCreated6 at gmail.com
Subject: Profile - Import from Customer List
Owner: mcalado
Text: Generate Profile
Queue: General


PS C:\tmp> .\b.ps1
RT/4.2.12 200 Ok

# User 3613 created. 

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