[rt-users] Queue template not available for queue scripts

Kenneth Marshall ktm at rice.edu
Fri Oct 7 11:41:26 EDT 2016

On Fri, Oct 07, 2016 at 11:36:13AM -0400, Alex Hall wrote:
> Yes, that would be the ideal solution, and I would dearly love to have
> that. From what I've seen so far, and from what people have said on this
> list, it doesn't seem like RT can do that. If there's a way, I think
> everyone who works at this company would greatly appreciate that knowledge.
> I'm not good enough with Perl to delve into a custom email parser or
> anything, but do you know of a way or extension that offers this
> functionality? Thanks.

Hi Alex,

You should be able to do a filter with something like procmail that
handles that process before the message ever gets into RT. Setting up
the Email template for the message is, of course, easy. No need to
know anything about RT code at all.


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