[Rtir] ArticleTemplate

Michal Wodzinski michal.wodzinski at uni-c.dk
Wed Jan 12 07:33:39 EST 2011

On Wed, 12 Jan 2011, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

> Sadly enough on create ticket object is not available on create as
> there is no ticket at the moment.

There still is $TicketObj? I know it's not "the current ticket" but 
the parent ticket as seen from Create.html, but still...

> Your article templates should be aware that ticket is not always 
> available and use conditions.

True about using conditions, in this specific case it's testing :)

I changed
<& /Elements/MessageBox, Default => $ARGS{Content}, IncludeSignature => $include_signature &>
<& /Elements/MessageBox, Default => $ARGS{Content}, IncludeSignature => $include_signature, Ticket => $IncidentObj &>
in local/plugins/RT-IR/html/RTIR/Create.html, and it actually works.

I can't see if there are any indirectly related caveats. I'll fiddle a bit 
more with this solution.

Kind regards
Michal Wodzinski, DK-CERT (UNI-C)
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