[Shipwright] Having problems importing RT plugins into vessel

Wenck, Samuel samuel.wenck at lmco.com
Mon Aug 24 15:38:41 EDT 2009

I have successfully built a shipwright vessel for RT 3.8.4 which includes nearly all of the required Perl modules. I am using Shipwright version 2.3.5 to build the vessel. I didn't have any issues with adding Perl modules to the vessel but now I am trying to add some RT plugins, including RTFM and RT-Authen-ExternalAuth, with no much success.

Here is the portion of my shell script to build the vessel that pertains to RTFM:

 # RTFM installation
echo 'configure: %%PERL%% Makefile.PL PREFIX=%%INSTALL_BASE%%/local/plugins/RT-FM
install: %%MAKE%% install' > /home/wencks/rt_vessel/shipwright/tmp/shipwright_RTFM_build
$IMPORT file:/home/wencks/rt_vessel/shipwright/RTFM-2.4.2.tar.gz --build-script /home/wencks/rt_vessel/shipwright/tmp/shipwright_RT

However, I keep getting errors that seem like the Perl Makefile.PL command is being executed without the PREFIX option. I can run the Makefile.PL command from the command line with the PREFIX option shown above and not get any errors

Does anyone have better suggestions for importing RT plugins into shipwright vessels?

Thanks in advance... Sam
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