[Shipwright] Having problems importing RT plugins into vessel

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Aug 24 16:26:03 EDT 2009


Can you show us the actual errors?

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 03:38:41PM -0400, Wenck, Samuel wrote:
> I have successfully built a shipwright vessel for RT 3.8.4 which includes nearly all of the required Perl modules. I am using Shipwright version 2.3.5 to build the vessel. I didn't have any issues with adding Perl modules to the vessel but now I am trying to add some RT plugins, including RTFM and RT-Authen-ExternalAuth, with no much success.
> Here is the portion of my shell script to build the vessel that pertains to RTFM:
>  # RTFM installation
> echo 'configure: %%PERL%% Makefile.PL PREFIX=%%INSTALL_BASE%%/local/plugins/RT-FM
> install: %%MAKE%% install' > /home/wencks/rt_vessel/shipwright/tmp/shipwright_RTFM_build
> $IMPORT file:/home/wencks/rt_vessel/shipwright/RTFM-2.4.2.tar.gz --build-script /home/wencks/rt_vessel/shipwright/tmp/shipwright_RT
> FM_build
> However, I keep getting errors that seem like the Perl Makefile.PL command is being executed without the PREFIX option. I can run the Makefile.PL command from the command line with the PREFIX option shown above and not get any errors
> Does anyone have better suggestions for importing RT plugins into shipwright vessels?
> Thanks in advance... Sam

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