[svk-devel] Patch: -g for diff

David Glasser glasser at mit.edu
Wed Aug 2 18:31:19 EDT 2006

On 8/2/06, svk at rjlov.com <svk at rjlov.com> wrote:
> I sometimes like to use a graphical diff tool, but not all the time.
> Sometimes it's a pain to fiddle SVKDIFF depending on what I want
> to do.
> So, this very simple patch adds a -g/--graphical to the diff
> command.  If this flag is set, then it uses the program in SVKGDIFF,
> instead of SVKDIFF.  This means I can set SVKGDIFF, and then -g gives
> me a graphical diff.

Hi Richard! Thanks for sending in the patch.

I'm not really sure how generally useful this is, though.  After all,
it seems to me that it's only useful if you're going to the trouble of
putting something like "SVKGDIFF=/path/to/my/gdiff" in your dotfiles,
and if you already have to go to the trouble of editing your dotfiles,
it seems easy enough to just put in an alias "gsvk" which sets SVKDIFF
to your GUI client.  This also scales past two diff programs.  Does
that sound reasonable?

(Also, you'd probably want this to apply to "svk patch --view" too.)


David Glasser | glasser at mit.edu | http://www.davidglasser.net/

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