[svk-devel] Totally confused, can anyone see something stupid?

Chisel Wright chisel at herlpacker.co.uk
Sun Aug 20 12:54:33 EDT 2006

I'm having real trouble with a mirrored repository that I have ... I
don't know if I'm doing something dumb and not spotting it, or if
something more sinister is happening to me ... anyway, here's what I'm

 mv .svk .svk.nipple
 svk mkdir //mirror
 svk mkdir //local
 svk mirror svn+ssh://chiselwright@svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/parley/ //mirror/parley/
 svk mirror svn+ssh://zombie.herlpacker.co.uk/home/svn/repos/projects/web/ //mirror/web_sites/
 svk sync -a
 cd development/svk/
 svk copy //mirror/web_sites/ //local/web_sites/
 svk co //local/web_sites/

So, by my recking the following should be true:
  //local/web_sites/   -->
  //mirror/web_sites/  -->

Why then, does svk info tell me that it's  mirror of the parley

 $ svk info //mirror/web_sites/
 Depot Path: //mirror/web_sites
 Revision: 403
 Last Changed Rev.: 402
 Mirrored From:
 svn+ssh://chiselwright@svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/parley, Rev. 230

I'm baffled..
Chisel Wright
e: chisel at herlpacker.co.uk
w: http://www.herlpacker.co.uk/

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