[svk-devel] Unable to recover from zombie mirror

Jonathan Ragan-Kelley katokop1 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 27 18:33:28 EDT 2006

I created, moved, and removed a mirror without detaching it:

  $ svk mirror svn://some/where //mirrors/x
  $ svk mv //mirrors/x //mirror/x (fix typo)
  $ svk rm //mirrors
    --> //mirrors contains mirror, remove explicitly: //mirrors/x
  $ svk rm //mirrors/x
    --> no source specificed at
/opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/SVN/Mirror.pm line 52
  $ svk rm //mirror/x (remove moved copy)

I now have no copies of the mirror left:

  $ svk mirror --list
    (only shows my other, still existing mirrors)

but I cannot delete the empty //mirrors path, nor can I create new mirrors .

Is there any way to back myself out of this black hole and recover my
depot?  Was this a mistake in usage on my part (not detaching the
mirror before removing it, or similar), or is this a bug/unexpected

(Using svk 1.07, subversion 1.32 on OS X 10.4.7. I have upgraded to
svk 1.08, to no avail.)

Any help is very much appreciated.  This is my primary work
repository, so it's quite a hindrance to have it in such an unusable

Thanks very much.

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