[svk-devel] smerge on a file gives "Name does not refer to a filesystem directory"

Danny Manners danny.manners at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 04:23:13 EDT 2007

svk 2.0.1_91, win32

smerge -I on a file rather than a directory is giving me "Name does
not refer to a filesystem directory" when merging from a local branch
to a mirror:

svk mirror https://blah.com/svn/folder //mirror
svk cp //mirror //local
svk cp -p //mirror/stuff/file.txt //local2/stuff/file.txt

svk smerge -I //mirror //local
svk smerge -I //local //mirror
svk smerge -I //mirror/stuff/file.txt //local2/stuff/file.txt
svk smerge -I //local2/stuff/file.txt //mirror/stuff/file.txt
Name does not refer to a filesystem directory: Failure opening
'/mirror/stuff/file.txt': '/mirror/stuff/file.txt' is not a directory
in filesystem 'D:\SVK Repository/db'

svk cat //mirror/stuff/file.txt lists the file OK

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