[svk-devel] branch management

John Peacock john.peacock at havurah-software.org
Mon Oct 22 13:03:57 EDT 2007

Chia-liang Kao wrote:
>   % svk branch --create feature/abc # create branches/feature/abc from
> trunk for the current project
>   % svk branch --create feature/abc --switch-to # create the branch
> and also switch the checkout over
>   % svk branch --create feature/abc --switch-to --local # create the
> branch but in local depot
>   % svk branch --move feature/abc release-ready/abc # move the branch
> to release-ready branch directory
>   % svk branch --list # list active branches
>   % svk branch --list release-ready # list release ready branches
>   % svk branch --merge release-ready/* rc # merge all release-ready
> branches to a branch called rc which was branched from trunk
>   % svk branch --merge rc trunk # release rc to trunk
>   % svk branch --merge --from rc # ditto
> And some ways to move back and forth from local branch to remote
> branch, as well as publishing them.

This is very cool.  What would be very useful from my standpoint is to 
make switch aware of this structure as well, such that if I type:

     % svk switch

(NOTE the complete lack of target), then svk would take my current WC 
path in the repo, strip off the last element and provide a list of peer 
branches to choose from, then switch the WC to that branch.

I'm at a new job and I'm trying to use functional branches a lot more 
than I have in the past.  I was in the middle of writing my own "switch" 
script to manage this for me; I will probably do that as a way of seeing 
what the best UI for such an enhancement would be...


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