[rt-devel] [fwd] 1.09_02 CGI handler inserts extra newline after headers (from: jesse@fsck.com)

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Jun 20 11:17:20 EDT 2002

So you know, if you're wondering why attachments don't work in 2.1.x

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From: Jesse <jesse at fsck.com>
To: mason-devel at lists.sourceforge.net
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Subject: 1.09_02 CGI handler inserts extra newline after headers
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With HTML, this isn't such a big problem, but when I'm trying to 
haul an image or other binary blob out of the database and present
it, man is the client unahppy.

in CGIHandler.pm at right around line 77:

    print $r->http_header;

needs to become something like:

    my $header = $r->http_header;
    chomp $header;
    print $header;

Does that sound kosher?


jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
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