[rt-devel] Wreq 2.7 -> RT 3 conversion

Martin C. Messer marty at redhat.com
Fri Apr 4 14:40:26 EST 2003


I've searched and found several references to utilities like req2rt and
reqtort, but only found the source for one:


Is this considered the current "best practice" for converting wreq
tickets to into RT? I don't see any official instructions for converting
other tracking system data into RT, so I assume that using scripts like
reqtort is the only option.

Any info would be appreciated.


Martin C. Messer   | marty at redhat.com 
Red Hat, Inc.      | Information Systems & Technologies 
1801 Varsity Drive | 919-754-3700 x44148
Raleigh, NC 27606  | 919-931-9815 (mobile)

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