[Rt-devel] Adding a new CustomField type

Todd Chapman todd at chaka.net
Thu Oct 16 00:26:42 EDT 2008


This thread may provide the inspiration you need.


On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 9:05 PM, Drew Taylor <taylor.andrew.j at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was originally wanting to add new CustomField types to enable things
> like showing a flag for "Country" in addition to the text. But I just
> realized I think I can do w/o a new type by using the
> ShowComponentName Callback in Elements/ShowCustomFields. Has anyone
> tried to do this? I can see the callback provides a Name (reference to
> a string), the CustomField object and an Object (which I think will be
> a Ticket object). I imagine I need to massage what
> $Object->CustomFieldValues($CF_id) returns, but I'm not exactly sure
> how to go about it. Alternately, I could create a new
> Elements/ShowCustomField$type component and massage the Name to be the
> new component.
> Has anyone done this sort of thing and/or can provide an example?
> Thanks,
> Drew
> --
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>  Drew Taylor                 *  Web development & consulting
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