[rt-users] https bug

Darrin Walton darrinw at nixc.net
Tue Apr 23 13:14:41 EDT 2002

  |+ I've noticed that my https instance of RT has an http:// address 
  |+ (http://domain.co.uk/NoAuth/images/rt.jpg) for the rt.jpg file that 
  |+ appears on the left of the "title bar". Therefore, if the http address is 
  |+ not accessible (connecting from the Internet for ex), the picture 
  |+ doesn't display.
  |+ Not a major problem really - but should be fixed sometime!

So fix it!  Edit your config.pm, change $WebBaseUrl to read:
$WebBaseUrl = "https://domain.co.uk";

You'll notice, that RT builds the path via:

$WebURL = $WebBaseURL . $WebPath . "/";
$WebImagesURL = $WebURL."/NoAuth/images/";
$LogoURL = $WebImagesURL."/rt.jpg";

You see.  It builds it from WebURL, which is built from $WebBaseURL and

Its not a bug in RT, its a mistake in your config file.


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