[rt-users] Problem with 'Top N tickets' links on 'RT at a glance' page in 3.8.1

David Good dgood at willingminds.com
Wed Sep 10 16:06:21 EDT 2008

I looked into this some more and after some debugging, I see that the 
query string argument ($Query) passed in
to Search/Results.html is URI encoded when it shouldn't be.  It looks 
like it's encoded properly in the link URL
when I 'View Souce' on the displayed 'Home' page but never gets decoded 
(or it gets decoded and re-encoded
somehow).  Does anyone have any ideas where I should look next?

I'm kinda surprised that there haven't been any other reports of this 
sort of problem.  It seems to affect all saved searches.
We're running RT 3.8.1 on a CentOS 5.2 with perl 5.10.0.

David Good wrote:
> I'm seeing an odd problem with the 'Top N tickets' links ('N highest 
> priority tickets I own' and '10 newest unowned tickets') on the 'RT at a 
> glance' page in RT 3.8.1.  On the 'RT at a glance' page itself tickets 
> show up as they should but when I click on the link for the search (i.e. 
> click on the '10 highest priority tickets I own' link) I get a 'Found 0 
> tickets' page.  When I click on the 'Edit Search' link, it kicks me into 
> 'Advanced' and I get an error in the 'Results' section:
> Wrong query, expecting a OPERATOR in 
> '%20Owner%>20<--here%3D%20%27__CurrentUser__%27%20AND%20(%20Status%20%3D%20%27new%27%20OR%20Status%20%3D%20%27open%27)'
> And the text in the Query textbox is similarly URI-escaped.  If I fix it 
> manually and click 'Apply' I then get the "Edit Search" page and if I 
> click the "Update format and Search" button on that page I then get the 
> results I was expecting.  But if I then go back to the Home page and try 
> the same link again I get the same problem.
> The really odd thing is that the 'Bookmarked Tickets' link on the 'RT at 
> a glance' page works fine.
> Here is the link URI for the 'N highest priority tickets I own' link:
> http://calhd01.na.local/Search/Results.html?Format=%27%3Ca%20href%3D%22%2FTicket%2FDisplay.html%3Fid%3D__id__%22%3E__id__%3C%2Fa%3E%2FTITLE%3A%23%27%2C%0A%27%3Ca%20href%3D%22%2FTicket%2FDisplay.html%3Fid%3D__id__%22%3E__Subject__%3C%2Fa%3E%2FTITLE%3ASubject%27%2C%0A%27__Priority__%27%2C%0A%27__QueueName__%27%2C%0A%27__ExtendedStatus__%27%2C%0A%27__Bookmark__%27&Order=DESC%7CASC%7CASC%7CASC&OrderBy=Priority%7Cid&Query=%20Owner%20%3D%20%27__CurrentUser__%27%20AND%20(%20Status%20%3D%20%27new%27%20OR%20Status%20%3D%20%27open%27)&RowsPerPage=50
> and here's the one for the 'Bookmarked Tickets' link:
> http://calhd01.na.local/Search/Results.html?Format=%27%3Ca%20href%3D%22%2FTicket%2FDisplay.html%3Fid%3D__id__%22%3E__id__%3C%2Fa%3E%2FTITLE%3A%23%27%2C%27%3Ca%20href%3D%22%2FTicket%2FDisplay.html%3Fid%3D__id__%22%3E__Subject__%3C%2Fa%3E%2FTITLE%3ASubject%27%2CPriority%2C%20QueueName%2C%20ExtendedStatus%2C%20Bookmark&Order=DESC&OrderBy=LastUpdated&Query=id%20%3D%20%27__Bookmarked__%27&Rows=999
> Thanks!
> David Good

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