[rt-users] Reporting requirement - number of a call assignments

ktm at rice.edu ktm at rice.edu
Thu Mar 1 08:50:24 EST 2012

On Thu, Mar 01, 2012 at 10:17:35AM +0000, Jim McIntyre wrote:
> Is there a way of reporting on the number of times a ticket has been reassigned to another analyst or to another RT queue. I am interested in reporting on the tickets that have a high number of reassignments.  We use RT 3.8.2.
> Regards
> Jim McIntyre

Easy way: Create a custom field and track the count of reassignments with a scrip.
Then a simple CF lookup will give you the information.

Harder way: Write a program using the API to check the tickets for reassignments.
This is slower and more I/O intensive.

Maybe someone else will have a better idea.


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