[rt-users] RT 4.0.5 Inconsistently sending mail

Dustin Berube dustin.berube at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 10:28:52 EST 2012

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 9:50 AM, Thomas Sibley <trs at bestpractical.com> wrote:

> On 03/07/2012 09:19 AM, Dustin Berube wrote:
> > When I look into the logs I see the following actions for the ticket
> > transaction (reply, comment)
> All of the log lines you provided are normal info log lines.  You will
> need to find the actual error message, which should appear in the logs.
> Please also send your RT_SiteConfig.pm (with passwords censored) and
> details on your outgoing mail configuration.


I have attached a sanitized copy of my RT_SiteConfig.pm as a text file.
Outgoing mail is routed to a SMTP smart host which is our Exchange server.

I found the error and have included it below.

Mar  7 08:28:11 fccv-itsup01 RT:
<rt-4.0.5-28242-1331126891-1857.4222-3-0 at rt.fccv-itsup01.fccoc.local>
#4222/92655 - Scrip 3 On Create Autoreply To Requestors

Mar  7 08:28:11 fccv-itsup01 RT:
<rt-4.0.5-28242-1331126891-1857.4222-3-0 at rt.fccv-itsup01.fccoc.local>:
Could not send mail with command `/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t -f
techsupport at flaglerclerk.com`: couldn't execute program: Cannot allocate
memory at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm line

Mar  7 08:28:11 fccv-itsup01 RT:
<rt-4.0.5-28242-1331126891-203.4222-4-0 at rt.fccv-itsup01.fccoc.local>
#4222/92655 - Scrip 4 On Create Notify AdminCcs

Mar  7 08:28:11 fccv-itsup01 RT:
<rt-4.0.5-28242-1331126891-203.4222-4-0 at rt.fccv-itsup01.fccoc.local>: Could
not send mail with command `/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t -f
techsupport at flaglerclerk.com`: couldn't execute program: Cannot allocate
memory at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm line

Let me know if further information is needed.
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Set( $rtname, "Flagler Clerk's Office");
Set( $Organization, 'rt.fccv-itsup01.fccoc.local');
Set( $Timezone, 'America/New_York');
Set( $DatabaseType, 'Pg');
Set( $DatabaseUser, '######');
Set( $DatabasePassword, '######');
Set( $DatabaseName, 'rt4');
Set( $WebDomain, "rt.fccv-itsup01.fccoc.local");
Set( $WebPath, "");
Set( $WebBaseURL, "http://rt.fccv-itsup01.fccoc.local");
Set( $MinimumPassowrdLength, "5");

Set( $OwnerEmail, 'root');
Set( $LoopsToRTOwner, 1);
Set( $SendmailArguments, "-oi -t -f techsupport\@flaglerclerk.com");

Set( $MaxAttachmentSize , 40000000);
Set( $PreferRichText, true);
Set( $TrustHTMLAttachments, true);
Set( $RTAddressRegexp, '^((techsupport|ap|vab|rt-ap|rt-vab)\@(flaglerclerk\.com|itsupport\.fccoc\.local))$');
Set( $CorrespondAddress, 'techsupport at flaglerclerk.com');
Set( $CommentAddress, 'techsupport at flaglerclerk.com');
Set( $ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs, 1);

Set($UseFriendlyFromLine, 1);
Set($FriendlyFromLineFormat, "\"%s\" <%s>");
Set($UseFriendlyToLine, 1);
Set($FriendlyToLineFormat, "\"%s Ticket #%s\":;");

Set($NotifyActor, 0);
Set($RecordOutgoingEmail, 1);

Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(

Set(@Plugins, (qw(
# Setup Full Text Searching
Set( %FullTextSearch,
    Enable     => 1,
    Indexed    => 1,
    Column     => 'ContentIndex',
    Table      => 'Attachments',

# Priority as a String Config
Set( %PriorityAsString, (Low => 0, Medium => 50, High => 75, Critical => 100));
Set( @PriorityAsStringOrder, qw(Low Medium High Critical));

# External Auth Config
require "/opt/rt4/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm";
Set( $AuthMethods, ['FCC_LDAP', 'Internal']);
Set( $AutoCreate, {Privileged => 1});

# JSGantt Config
    DefaultFormat => 'day', # or week or month or quarter
    ShowOwner     => 1,
    ShowProgress  => 1,
    ShowDuration  => 1,

    # define your own color scheme:
    # ColorScheme => ['ff0000', 'ffff00', 'ff00ff', '00ff00', '00ffff', '0000ff'],

    # we color owners consistently by default, you can disable it via:
    # ColorSchemeByOwner => 0,

    # you can specify colors to use, unspecified owners will be
    # assigned to some color automatically:
    # ColorSchemeByOwner => { root => 'ff0000', foo => '00ff00' },

    # if can't find both start and end dates, use this color
    NullDatesColor => 333,

    # to caculate day length
    WorkingHoursPerDay => 8,

    # used to set start/end if one exists but the other does not
    DefaultDays => 7,

# Command By Mail Config
Set( @MailPlugins, qw(Auth::MailFrom Filter::TakeAction));
Set( $CommandByMailGroup, 40);

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