[rt-devel] RT on NT

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Tue Jun 20 13:26:55 EDT 2000

RT is freeware. It' released under the GNU GPL. As far as I know, nopbody' ever ported it to NT, but it might be doable.
	RT is used at hundreds of sites, inclduing universities, ISPs, .com 
software companies, National Backbone Providers, International Shipping companies, Semiconductor companies...the list goes on.  
	From time to time, I take on contracts to extend or support RT, but 
we can discuss that off the mailinglist if you're interested.

	Generally, requests to the rt-users mailinglist are answered 
within hours, as there are RT hackers spread around the globe.  

	If this didn' answer all your questions, feel free to write back. I'l
be back from europe next weekend. (I' in a cybercafe in prague right now and
it' a bit hard to type)


Oh, and no, I haven' found a package with equivalent functionality for NT.
Most of those that I'e seen are >$500/seat and tied heavily to Oracle/SQLServer and/or require ticght integration with Exchane and outlook.


On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 03:55:23PM -0700, Ken McIntosh wrote:
> Hello,
> I just came across your RT software site while doing some research on email 
> queuing systems for trouble ticketing and support systems.  The RT 
> functionality looks very good and you appear to have a following!  I have a 
> couple of questions:
> 1. I'm looking for an NT-based solution. Yours looks to be primarily 
> UNIX-based. Does it run on NT and, if so, what are the NT-specific software 
> requirements?
> 2. Is RT a commercial package, or open-source, or freeware, or shareware, 
> etc.? If its not a commercial package, do you have plans for 
> commercialization? Are there any costs involved? How well-supported is it? 
> Is it used in very many commercial production applications right now and, 
> if so, how many? Essentially, I'd like to know more about the strength of 
> the organization behind RT, and the scope of current users.
> 3.  This may not be a fair question, but if RT is not suitable for NT, are 
> you aware of other good packages for NT that I should check out?
> Thanks - Ken
> ---
> Ken McIntosh
> Inform Systems Limited
> 604-618-4275
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jesse reed vincent --- root at eruditorum.org --- jesse at fsck.com 
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"That package looks like what I wanted, but the site was down today, 
   so I decided to reimplement it in Perl."

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