[rt-devel] RT and mod_perl

Tobias Brox tobiasb at tobiasb.funcom.com
Wed Mar 29 22:18:30 EST 2000

(rt 1.1 is going to be built around HTML::Mason.  HTML::Mason is geared
towards mod_perl ... am I the only one that has been happy with
fastcgi and never bothered to install mod_perl, or will there be more than
me that will have problems with mod_perl?)

I'm trying to install the latest versions of mod_perl, apache and perl ...
well ... this doesn't look too bright:

make test for mod_perl-1.22:
Failed 22/33 test scripts, 33.33% okay. 63/86 subtests failed, 26.74%

Well, I think maybe I should manage to find out of this eventually

It should be possible to run mason as a cgi, do you know how to set this
up?  It seems like both the current webmux.pl and the suggested apache
configuration in the README is geared towards mod_perl.

Tobias Brox (alias TobiX) - +4722925871 - _urgent_ emails to
sms at tobiasb.funcom.com.  Check our upcoming MMORPG at 
http://www.anarchy-online.com/ (Qt) and play multiplayer Spades, 
Backgammon, Poker etc for free at http://www.funcom.com/ (Java)

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