[rt-devel] Re: [rt-users] External Authentication and Users

Charlie Brady charlieb at aurema.com
Wed May 3 21:35:43 EDT 2000

[Followup moved to rt-devel]

On Wed, 3 May 2000, Rich Graves wrote:

> On Wed, 3 May 2000, R. Eriks Goodwin wrote:
> > Want to REALLY make my life wonderful?  :-)  How about integrating RT to
> > utilize Lotus Domino user lists and group lists?  Maybe even a Domino
> > interface for the database in general?  Any thoughts on this?
> Can Domino expose information via LDAP? I made some quick hacks to the
> adduser bits to autofill the full name and phone fields with Net::LDAP,
> maybe you can do something similar. This is far from real directory
> integration but it saved me a lot of typing.

I've always felt that the phone, location etc fields belonged in LDAP (or
some other directory service) and not in RT itself. So rather than
autofill from LDAP, I'd say just leave them out entirely from RT, or fetch
them directly from LDAP rather than RT's mySQL table when they are

[Rich's LDAP patch can be found in the rt-user list archive.]


Charlie Brady
Aurema Pty Ltd
 PO Box 305, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012, Australia
Email:charlieb at aurema.com, Tel: +61 2 9698 2322, Fax: +61 2 9699 9174
  "I think it would be a good idea." Gandhi, on Western Civilisation.

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