[rt-devel] RT 1.3.48

Alex Pilosov alex at pilosoft.com
Thu May 3 11:57:41 EDT 2001


Sorry for replying to this old email, but I just noticed that DBD::Pg
0.98 has my patch to fix bytea support, so I hope it'll be at least an
option to stick mime files directly as bytea fields. ;)


On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, ivan wrote:

> You shouldn't have to decode data after getting it out of the database. 
> Similarly, you shouldn't have to encode or quote data when using
> placeholders. 

> If you'd like to fix this problem, provide a fix to DBD::Pg that speaks to
> the backend correctly and post it to pgsql-interfaces at postgresql.org and
> dbi-dev at perl.org.  RT is *not* the place to fix these problems.  Have a
> nice day. 
Done. ;)

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