[rt-devel] auth info

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Thu May 31 16:56:33 EDT 2001

Ok. that's the same problem I've been seeing. I suspect
that there are some extra spaces in the chown located on line 94 
of webmux.pl.  It's making WebRT/sessiondata unwritable by 
your apache process. I intend to take out the gratuitous chown in
the next snapshot. I also intend to have RT die screaming rather than
just lose on writing session files.

On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 04:45:28PM -0400, Sherrill (Pei-chih) Verbrugge wrote:
> Jesse,
> When I type in spv, this is the message:
> "The server spv wishes to set a cookie that will be sent only back to
> itself. The name and value of the cookie are:
> Do you wish to allow the cookie to be set?"
> I click on OK.  It shows the first login page.  I put in the login info.
> I get in.  I click on Configuration-> the login screen.  I click on User
> -> the login screen.  There are no more cookie warnings.
> Thanks,
> Sherrill
> On Thu, 31 May 2001, Jesse wrote:
> > I suspect that the apache::session cache directory is not writable by your
> > apache user.  Quit and restart your browser and turn on 'notify me of cookies'
> > and tell me what RT sends for a cookie.
> >
> >         -j
> >
> >
> [snip]
> -- 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Sherrill (Pei-chih) Verbrugge
> spv at gospelcom.net
> ext. 273
> http://www.gospelcom.net
> http://bible.gospelcom.net
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

autoconf is your friend until it mysteriously stops working, at which 
point it is a snarling wolverine attached to your genitals by its teeth
 (that said, it's better than most of the alternatives)  -- Nathan Mehl

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