[rt-devel] Preserving local customizing

Timo A. Hummel timo.hummel at isg.de
Thu Oct 11 10:23:11 EDT 2001

> files..  The only problem I have had with local customization of the web
> code is web code updates, like the recent REFRESH stuff..  I had made a
> customized header and footer, and also a bunch of other smaller custom web
> pieces to appease all the PR types, and every time I update the web
> interface, i have to diff the old and new to see what has changed (wrote
> simple shell scripts to make the diffs), anyhow, then update the local stuff
> with the changes if need be (on a file by file basis).

I see. Maybe Jesse or anybody else has a good idea about this? I bet
I'll stumple
over this earlier or later.



Timo A. Hummel, IT Specialist
IS Innovative Software AG               Phone:  +49 69 505030-302
Feuerbachstraße 26-32                   Fax:    +49 69 505030-505
60325 Frankfurt a.M.                    E-Mail:
mailto:timo.hummel at isg.de
GERMANY                                 WWW:    http://is.ag

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