[rt-devel] 2.0.8 + enhanced-mailgate = no pseudo-headers in update

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Oct 18 01:52:37 EDT 2001

Right around line 207-208. if it's an action alias, it does what you want.

On Wed, Oct 17, 2001 at 11:36:28PM -0600, Peter Green wrote:
> [ Sent to rt-devel, since it deals with a contributed script. ]
> I'm a bit confused; I installed 2.0.8 and the web interface seems to be
> working fine. DB connectivity is working fine. I installed enhanced-mailgate
> alongside rt-mailgate, updated my .qmail files, and everything is working
> fine.
> Except that enhanced-mailgate won't act on any embedded pseudoheaders for
> existing tickets. Nor does it look like it should: the code for acting on
> existing tickets starts at line 327 of that script. Nowhere in that else {}
> clause do the calls to ParseMessageForCommands() or any other
> pseudoheader-aware function appear to happen.
> I've tried all sorts of configurations (with/without $PermitReplayAttacks
> for instance; I haven't tried gpg stuff). But any way you look at it, it
> doesn't ever seem to get to code that can ``take pseudo-headers in the
> message body to set parameters on...existing tickets.'' (This is evidenced,
> partially, by the fact that the pseudoheaders are simply passed as part of
> the body of the message.)
> What am I missing? What other information can I provide to help debug this?
> Thanks,
> /pg
> -- 
> Peter Green : root @ DonorWare, LLC : PeterGreen at DonorWare.com
> v: 877.751.3300 x413      f: xxx.xxx.xxxx      c: xxx.xxx.xxxx
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> But what can you do with it?  -- ubiquitous cry from Linux-user partner.
> (Submitted by Andy Pearce, ajp at hpopd.pwd.hp.com)
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