[rt-devel] August Release of the Statistics Package for RT3

matthew zeier mrz at intelenet.net
Fri Aug 22 13:19:43 EDT 2003

Since I'm having similiar problems, I'll chime in too.

Running Redhat 8.0, libgd 2.0.15 with jpeg and png support.  RT3.0.5pre1.
mod_perl, apache 1.3.x, GD-2.07, GDGraph-1.43, GDTextUtil-0.86.

I don't know GD at all - is there a sample, test script I can run that would
simulate what Elements/Chart is doing from the command line?

> I am testing this successfully with Safari on OS X, and I guess that
> any problems are browser independent, in other words: It's possibly my
> fault.

I tested with safari and no graphs.  Same with IE6 and NS7.01.

I'm also having the problem of not seeing the Statistics link on the main
menu.  Which file "includes" this into the menu?  Perhaps I'm running into a
permissions problem somewhere (that's not being logged).

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