[rt-devel] Re: [rt-users] rt3.x perfomance degradation (~500%)

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Wed Jul 30 01:02:00 EDT 2003

> Thanks for good suggestions.
> After upgrading to mySQL 4.x and using inodb same tests go 1.3 times 
> slower against rt2 on 3.23.x
> After enabling query_cache perfomance go up to 10x faster then rt2 on 3.23.x
> Last improvement only for freaquently requests and don't help to solve 
> problem with new tickets and attachments.
> How do you think Jesse could be code upgraded to improve perfomance 
> signicantly? It's very important task for me. May you can give me any 
> additional suggestions.

Audit code and database and see what queries are killing performance and
whether the issue is in the database and perl. Then, either add db
indices, tune the queries being generated by the perl or alter the
database's internal tuning parameters.

>                    Ruslan.

http://www.bestpractical.com/rt  -- Trouble Ticketing. Free.

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